Why Calibrate Your Test Equipment?
Brake Test Meters are typically subjected to some fairly rough treatment — bouncing around in the vehicle, dropped on site, knocked against hard objects, etc. TransLock understands these environments and design our Brake Test Meters accordingly. But they are precision instruments that do react adversely to the environments they’re used in. Even if they’re treated carefully and not knocked about, changes in ambient temperatures, humidity levels and deteriorating component tolerances will cause a shift in any electronic measuring equipment readings over time. These challenges are well understood by TransLock and are the reason why we advise regular adjustments to ensure the outputs are accurate and therefore dependable.
“A key rationale is that if the output being measured is important, then calibrating and ensuring that the calibration is carried out correctly is equally important.”
Calibration is defined as a measurement referenced to a ‘known’ standard. Calibrating your Brake Test Meter should be important to Licenced Vehicle Testers as it gives you confidence in the measurements being made, provides proof of validated measurements and ultimately enables more time to be spent on core work, rather than having to retest if there isn’t confidence in the results.
When calibration is required, there is only one way to do it. Unless full testing is completed against validated standards and data recorded, then the time and expense of doing so is wasted. Everything else is comfort only.
Whole-of-life considerations Brake Test Meters are typically part of the day- to-day activities of most mechanical workshops, so they are an important asset. As such, a whole-of-life view should be taken of them, considering the value they bring to the company as well as the total cost of ownership, part of which includes calibration.
When purchasing a Brake Test Meter it is important to map out the life cycle to maximize the return on your investment. Obviously, effort must be put in at first to ensure the right instrument is chosen for the tasks at hand. But factors such as calibration, repair and preventative maintenance should also be addressed. By including these factors into the purchasing process, you will most definitely find that a slightly higher initial outlay will in turn save you money throughout the life of your brake test meter.
TransLock can provide calibration plans throughout the meters life and also offer support services that include calibration-due notification, calibration status report, calibration certificates, telephone technical support and loan brake meters.
Consequences As a Licenced Vehicle Tester you need to understand the consequences of inaccurate measurements brought on by the use of un-calibrated or inaccurately calibrated meters. For critical applications, the consequences could be ten times the cost of the meter, or even more. On top of that, your reputation is put on the line.
The consequences of not calibrating can be quite detrimental to a business. The key factor is the integrity of the measured record if it is ever called up as evidence in a court of law. TransLock ensures that proper procedures are followed. This removes any uncertainty associated with the reliability and measurement accuracy of your Meter. This provides a traceable reference if you are ever faced with having to prove your innocence in a court of law when it comes to the validity of Brake Test Results.
When checking a vehicles roadworthiness you are dealing with people’s safety and you are carrying an extended duty of care to not only ensure the vehicle is safe, but that the equipment being used to test the vehicle is in complete working condition and fit for the purpose, and thus not posing a serious risk to the owner or the public in general."
Customer Benefits
“A key rationale is that if the output being measured is important, then calibrating and ensuring that the calibration is carried out correctly is equally important.”
“You will most definitely find that a slightly higher initial outlay will in turn save you money throughout the life of your equipment.”
Contractor Benefits
“The key factor is the integrity of the measured record if it is ever called up as evidence in a court of law.”
“Having your equipment calibrated by a reputable source like TransLock provides a traceable reference if you are ever faced with having to prove your innocence in a court of law when it comes to the validity of Results.”
There are three main factors for why it is in your best interest to get your brake test meter calibrated regularly and by the specific manufacturer.
1. Responsibility of guaranteeing correct results – Court of Law
2. Precise and Traceable Procedures – Done properly using referenced equipment
3. Frequent & periodical Checks – Pre-determine possible future expensive problems